are you taking time for yourself - Emma Lovell

Are you making time for yourself?

This week I got a big ol’ in the face reminder about the importance of rest.


Yes, after all my talk about rest and even incorporating it into my mantra for the year – Rest & Receive” – I’m still learning how much rest is really required when building my own brand.


Sometimes it’s when you take the time to actually pause and have a break that you realise how much energy you’ve been giving out. 


This was me on Wednesday night. I took myself off for a rest, alone (such a luxury as a parent) and it was only once there that I collapsed into a big sobbing ball of exhaustion. 


In case you missed it, here’s my post on Instagram. 


The time and energy it takes to not only run a business but build up your own brand – as well as general life stuff – is huge. This is an important work. This is life-changing work. So of course it’s going to take quite a bit of rest to recover and do it all again.


It’s been an amazing period in my business – as you will have seen, I’ve been creating and launching new offerings which I love. Our personal brand photo shoots have been a hit, the Rest & Receive retreat is now live and bookings are coming in, and my podcast is back on the airwaves!


But, the reminder came again in one of my sessions with a client where she had the “ah-ha” of seeing that this brand-building takes time.

That all the actions she’s been taking over the past 9 months of our work together are adding to her confidence and providing new opportunities. It takes showing up, it takes consistency, and it does take time!

So if this is where you’re at, you can start! Start today. Start somewhere – knowing that to get to where you want to go and to attract the work and life you want, it’s that effort over time that generates that incredible outcome.

The lesson for me this week has been to build in more time for growth, for the rest and for the space to reflect. It’s exactly what I’ve planned for the retreat – but it’s something that has to be brought into the everyday.


As the weekend approaches, I hope you have some restful plans and can create some space to reflect on the things you have achieved – every little step counts!



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