Emma Lovell speaking at a public event

Do you love or loathe the microphone?

Hey lovely,

How do you feel about public speaking?

Love it?
Loathe it?
Not even on your agenda?

Well as you may have guessed, I love it! I know that speaking is one of my strengths and using my voice is something I’m passionate about doing. 

I’m very fortunate to also be paid for this gift and I just love being in front of audiences, sharing a message and creating engagement.

Recently, I was the MC for a charity event with my lovely clients Oasis Home Care Services, raising funds for MS Queensland. It was such a privilege to host this morning tea and to raise funds and awareness for MS, an often invisible illness. It reminded me of the power of speaking up and sharing a message. The wonderful Kelly Wright was also in attendance, sharing her journey living with MS which was incredibly moving. We raised $2400 at the event.

I then had the opportunity to speak to a gorgeous group in the Women’s Business School program, invited by Ausmumpreneur founders Peace Mitchell and Katy Garner. Ironically, I was speaking about building your speaker profile – while also, building my speaker profile!

It was so wonderful to get to share how important and helpful speaking can be for your own brand. The attendees were wanting to get more speaking opportunities, and what I shared with them – which I’m also sharing with you – is that what you need to get a speaking gig, is another speaking gig! But you also really simply need to start telling people that you’re available for speaking.

Why am I sharing photos and videos of events that I speak at or MC? So that my audience know I’m available to do more fo that work. Whether it’s in an online community, at a corporate event, for a charity fundraiser or at a virtual conference, there are so many places and ways you can get in front of an audience to share your message.

I’ve had lots of feedback about this topic and so I’ll be putting together a masterclass in the next few months specifically about building your speaker profile. If that’s something you’d like to work on, write back SPEAKER. 


If you don’t want to be on a big stage, but you still want to share your message, there are many other ways to use your voice. The question is – do you know what you want to say when you hold the metaphoric or physical microphone?

Emma “Lovelly” Lovell

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