Have you googled yourself? with Emma Lovell

Have you ever Googled yourself?

Knowing what is being said about you online is important.

I know, you’re probably sitting there saying “why?”. It’s not like you need to locate yourself, or see your own website, or read articles about you. You know yourself, right?

But there is so much more to be found when you Google yourself!

It’s important to understand how others are seeing you! So if someone meets you at an event, they hear your name and they don’t get your card, they might look you up. “Hey Google, search Emma Lovell.” But when they are there … that can’t see anything relating to the person they met!

Perhaps you don’t have a digital footprint. This is simply how you appear online – whether or not people can find you. It might be because you don’t want one and you prefer to be private … but if you are running a business and your here to learn about your brand … you need one!

Take this exercise on lightly and with curiosity. You might even have fun with it!!

It’s simple:

Go to Google – or any search engine (no I am not sharing a link here)
Type in your name, just your name
See what comes up!!
Visit the images page
Visit the shopping page
Visit the maps page

Then write down what you discover:
Is there a lot of info?
Is the content reall old?
Are there media articles?
Is there a famous person with your name, or a well known person (Fun fact: Gwyneth Paltrow’s make up artist was once Emma Lovell.”
Do you show up in the images? How many times in the top 50?
Are you on the first page?
Does your business come up with your name?

Have fun and stay curious! This is an important step in understand how your brand is currently showing up in the world.

So go on, Google yourself! Then comment below and let me know one of the things you discover. I can’t wait to hear from you.

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