Emma Lovell with a group of women enjoying a retreat and smiling

Movers and Breakers reflections

Hey lovely,

Retreats are more than just getaways, they are a chance to reconnect with yourself to find the space to think bigger about your future. As you may have seen, I’m a big fan of retreats and it’s something that I’ve actually incorporated into my business. 

I go on retreats, I am now hosting retreats and I see the value in this time away for ourselves, but also the time around like minded people. Retreats tend to attract people who are looking for something better, looking for more and looking to be their best. I thrive on that!

So at the recent Business Chicks Movers & Breakers conference in Tasmania (which yes is technically a conference but it also feels so much like a retreat as it definitely has the element of escaping the rest of the world) I had all these feelings and more. 

I wanted to share with you the highlights from the incredible speakers and the takeaways I had from my time there because I think they can help you too!

Anna Meares OAM – The greatest Australian cyclist of all time:

“You can’t guarantee an outcome, but you can guarantee the process” – when talking about improving 1/1000th of a second each year over 10 years to break a world record!! So much effort and for such a seemingly little difference day by day, but a huge achievement over time. It reminded me that progress is more important than perfection.

Clare Bowditch – Music maker educator, story baker:

“You don’t have to be just one thing, but you have to start with something”.

Clare shared about her struggles with anxiety and how taking small steps towards her wildest dreams has helped her over the years.

Jodie Fox – Speaker, author, co-founder of Shoes of Prey:

“Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn”

Jodie shared her story of failure, but also how she has reframed the entire journey into a learning experience and it’s why she was there speaking to us on that day!

Kemi Nekvapil – Speaker, coach, author:

“Am I a little fearful? Yes, but the joy of doing something I never thought I could far outweighs the fear.”

Kemi took us through a powerful session exploring our own personal power and the fears that hold us back.

Yemi Penn – Entrepreneur, Engineer, Mindset Thought Leader: 

“I stand on this stage because I’m the person I need me to be”. 

She also spoke about being your biggest champion and that your future is for you, by you. I could have listened to Yemi all day – her wisdom and experience is beyond!

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